"Room to Bloom" in collaboration with "Trust Without Borders" and Warsaw Biennale 2022 invite activists, artists, and academics to join the forum under the title »Room to Bloom: Imagining New Fictions« with Ana Maria Millan (RolePlay), Sonya Dyer, Niki Analyti (Future Proofing), Elly Cho, Nadia Verena Marcin (SophyGray).
The Biennial reflects and builds on the possibilities and risks associated with the development of the virtual world. Several artists’ talks and discussions will offer explorations of new ways of visualising the future, that take AI as allies, and discussing speculative fictions, mythologies, memory, world building, Black female subjectivities as well as the actual liberatory potential of tech and its limitation and biases.
The audience will be onsite and online. The forum will be moderated by Ségolène Pruvot.