On the weekend of the German federal elections IIPM/Milo Rau, NT Gent, #LeaveNoOneBehind, School of Political Hope and Schauspiel Köln in collaboration with "Trust Without Borders" invite activists, artists, and academics to join the transnational assembly of migrant solidarity under the title »For a Politics of Justice« as part of the School of Resistance for a new politics of humanity and justice.
For years now, the situation at the external EU borders has been deteriorating. All means are used to prevent refugees from arriving in Europe, through the failure to provide assistance, through illegal Pushbacks and torture and violence. Those who manage to enter European soil are deprived of all their fundamental rights in inhumane camps or deliberately driven into illegality. But when injustice becomes right, resistance becomes a duty!
After a powerful workshop programme in the morning facilitated by Rainbow Refugees Support Group Cologne, Aktionsbündnis gegen Homophobie e.V., agisra e.V., Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie e.V., Solidarity City Cologne, DGB Bildungswerk Bund, Seebrücke Köln, NO CAP, former members of peng! collective, and the School of Political Hope we will assemble in the public space!
As speakers of the assembly we have invited local migrant and anti-racist activists as well as representatives of numerous migrant-led organisations from across Europe:
Abou Bakar Sidibé (Filmmaker "Those Who Jump“)
Ahmet Edis (Integration Councillor of the City of Cologne)
Anbid Zaman (Aktionsbündnis gegen Homophobie & Rainbow Refugees Support Group Cologne)
Behshid Najafi (agisra e.V.)
Berena (Tatort Porz – Keine Ruhe nach dem Schuss)
Corinna Ujkašević (Equal Rights Beyond Borders & International Refugee Assistance Project)
Daniel Wyszecki (Kölner Flüchtlingsrat)
Georg Blokus (European Alternatives & School of Political Hope)
Herkesin Meydani – Platz für Alle
Johanna Marx & Kathrin Wirth (Seebrücke Köln)
Jonas Brander (#LeaveNoOneBehind & Kabul Luftbrücke)
Kasia Wojcik (European Alternatives & IIPM – International Institute of Political Murder)
Milo Rau (IIPM – International Institute of Political Murder & NT Gent)
Mohammad Murtaza Farooqi (Flüchtlingsrat München)
Solidarity City Cologne
Tareq Alaows (Seebrücke – Schafft sichere Häfen)
Yvan Sagnet (NO CAP & "The New Gospel")
The assembly will be officially registered as a political demonstration at the Keupstraße Köln-Mülheim, the site of the right-wing terror attack of the NSU. The Assembly ends with music by German rapper Retrogott. In the evening, a solidarity party with Erobique will bring together people from different places for a final celebration of hope, courage and joy.