
BERLIN FORUM: »What Is To Be Done«

betahaus Berlin

Saturday, March 25, 2023
March 25, 2023

In recent years, youth movements have played a major role in shaping the political landscape across the globe. It was not only Greta Thunberg and the young activist-led climate justice movement Fridays for Future that drew attention to the urgent need for action on the climate crisis and influenced policies and public opinion around the world. Also in many countries in Europe, young, especially female, migrant, BIPoC, queer and working-class organizers and campaigners have demonstrated the power of young people to effect social and political change. And yet, in the face of opposition from policymakers, global corporations and lobbyists, as well as right-wing movements, we are always at risk of desperation. Many of us ask, therefore, how can we become more victorious by uniting across the borders of identities, struggles and nations?

The Youth Movement & Campaign Accelerator has had six months to answer that very question with its first cohort: How do we build the next generation of movements, organisations, and campaigns? A special focus was on cutting-edge methods of storytelling, 1:1 conversations, popular assemblies, house meetings as part of so-called Listening Campaigns, which should help us and our communities to transform our political depression into collective action.

Now, we are thrilled to announce WHAT IS TO BE DONE, a transnational organizing forum that focuses on building more hopeful, more joyful, and more powerful social movements, political campaigns, and collective actions – in cities and communities across the continent and beyond the borders of identities, struggles, and nations.

Attention to the next generation of movements and organizers from across Europe gathering in Berlin! Join us for an evening full of mutual inspiration, collective learning, and joint conspiration … and the final public moment of the Youth Movement & Campaign Accelerator Bootcamp!

After a Welcoming Address by Georg Blokus (Berlin Hub Director of European Alternatives) short talks by movement & campaign organizers from Berlin & across Europe sharing their stories, the issues and demands of their movements, campaign journeys, best practice methods and tools, as well as current challenges will follow:

Antonia & Domenico (Associazione Luca Coscioni, Italy)
Sanaz & Elahe (woman*life freedom collective, Berlin)
Jasper & Charlie (End Fossil: Occupy!, The Netherlands)
Ahmad & Rob (Gorillas Workers Collective, Berlin)
Fruzsina & Veronika (ADOM Student Movement for Alternative Student-Centred Education, Hungary)
Patricia & Bana (Deutsche Wohnen & Co. Enteignen, Berlin)

Then, in a world café with representatives of the 6 movements and campaigns all participants will be invited to give support with their knowledge, tools, and experiences to address each others’ needs challenges. A keynote by German Green Party Youth Speaker Sarah-Lee Heinrich sharing her political experiences at the intersection of movements, parties and institutions, as well as her vision for a transnational socio-ecological transformation led by young, female, migrant, BIPoC, queer and working-class movements and organizers will lead over to a final assembly of transnational youth solidarity.

We are also pleased to announce that funders will be invited to this part of the event, which will provide an excellent opportunity to get to know each other, share visions and values, and to discuss urgent support needs for capacity, leadership and infrastructure building.

Finally, we will end the day with a meet & drink connecting people who share a passion for making a difference in our current world.