
BERLIN CONFERENCE: »Moving at the Speed of Trust« – Transnational Winter Academy 2023

Genezarethkirche – Startbahn Berlin

Friday, November 17, 2023
November 19, 2023

On the weekend of November 17-19, 2023, the School of Transnational Organizing will host its Winter Academy 2023, under the title »Moving at the Speed of Trust«. We have invited activists, organizers, educators, researchers, artists and civil society organizations from Europe and around the world who all dedicate their work to inquiring, re-thinking and building trust and solidarity within and between societies and/or social movements across and beyond Europe.

Together we want to find answers to the question of how to tackle disinformation and what can be done against the current political climate of general mistrust. What are the most effective strategies and practices to involve residents of the European Union in civil participation and how can community engagement serve to deepen democracy?

On Friday evening, as part of the only public gathering of the Winter Academy, we will host an assembly and a film screening of the documentary movie »From Here« (USA/GER | 2020 | 89').

About the Winter Academy »Moving at the Speed of Trust«

Nowadays, we live – beyond the borders of nation states – in a political climate of general mistrust, which is expressed not only in resentment towards governments and institutions. There is also increasing hostility against already burned-out activists, under-resourced political groups, and civil society in general. At the same time, disinformation is as present as ever before, leading to disinformation campaigns against civil society actors, while making it harder for citizens to access the knowledge they need. Within times of growing uncertainty and economic volatility, it is of great importance to engage with civil society in places of trust, where we can not only strengthen community engagement and learn from best practices to deepen democracy in different localities, but also foster social cohesion and build relationships and alliances that can uphold the increasingly fragile networks of democracy.

European Alternatives' School of Transnational Organizing brings together selected critical thinkers, researchers, community organizers, civil society educators, and representatives for a 3-day Transnational Winter Academy in Berlin. Several parts of the Winter Academy will function in a hybrid format to allow participation for people who cannot attend in person. Coming from different local, social and professional contexts, and deeply engaged with civil society, they all dedicate their work to inquiring, re-thinking and building trust and solidarity within and between societies and/or social movements across and beyond Europe, especially within the growing reality of disinformation and mistrust.

We are excited to dive extensively into the method of citizen assembly to give participants a first-hand experience of direct democracy while fostering trust and mutual understanding. Experts from different fields will discuss how to counter disinformation and share best practices on how to involve more EU residents especially those that are less represented or marginalized in civil participation. In participatory exchange rounds, the online and in-person audience will not only experience practices that embody democratic liberation but also have the space to envision what is to be done about the current political climate of mistrust and disinformation.

We contemplate: How and to what extent do we account for individual and collective needs, whilst confronted with the urgency of equality and justice on a structural and systemic level? And how can we inspire, empower and support everyday citizens, workers, and frontline communities bringing the much-needed community, care, and courage to life?

Our Transnational Winter Academy under the title »Moving at the Speed of Trust« provides a co-created space for civil society actors, activists and academics to learn from and with each other what it means to build collective trust and solidarity across the intersectional differences and transnational disparities being often instrumentalized against our unity and equal rights.